TREFOIL LLC is a new General Purpose Technology entity that transforms  IP into PP- products and projects. It is the most holistic economic, business and lifestyle model emerging in the new TRANSFORMATION AGE”. It demands an elevated ‘consciousness’ as the foundation for ideas, creative solutions and values derived from simplified symmetry principles that create mindset shifts, 3D form Languages and systems to build new frameworks for our future. There are three levels of Limitless Applications that vary in size, materials and use as follows: 3D Forms are rich valuable content. To reach the evolutionary, higher frequencies and new dimensions of the space time energy continuum we are now tuning into, accessing nature’s creation secrets a manifesting them requires new languages, syntax and vocabularies in every field of human endeavor. Growing and expanding the creative capacity become a multidimensional challenge. From Perspiration to inspiration led to a fun-da-mental shift of design consciousness. Synthesizing art, design and science revealed more of the hidden dimensions.

“There are New Paradigm principles transforming our worldview based on the notion of ‘everything in our universe being interconnected as one infinite source of consciousness.’ For most the jury is still out. DESign Science is the discipline that empowers us to define ‘consciousness’ as the synthesis of physical elements space or Body, the psychological and emotional aspect of Mind and the essence and energy of Spirit and thought towards awareness, cognition and being fully alive.




Connecting with innovators, influencers and early adopters, knowledge brokers and Artrepreneurs (as audience builders & affiliates) through “new paradigm” wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, information-wiki™ and the subtle energy dynamics to enhance our environments, our lives to be on life’s purpose.


The call to act (is personal and direct)than ‘action’ em-powering all: [designers and developers] as ‘c0-creators’ through (an evolving praxis) for a “new paradigm movement” to synthesize the principles, knowledge, information, (creative) energies, passion and inspiration derived from our new understanding of consciousness, nature and man with a discipline now known as “design science™”.


The threefold expressions, flavors and essences of the physical, the psychological and the spiritual corresponds with body, mind and spirit and are manifested through man, nature and consciousness in esoteric, ancient wisdom traditions and science for the good of all.


This is the premise for a quantum dynamic to harmonize the east-west dichotomy into a ‘subtle oneness’ of infinite, normal and sub-conscious awareness. From this creative process, that permeates all (created) expressions, emotions and thoughts we observe, experience and manifest through desires. with all other value systems aligned the profound energy of the universal creative dynamic of desire, as is art-iculated in the Hindu tradition of the ‘kundalini energy and its 7 chakras’ is an essential part of the quantum dynamic for creating harmonizing and perpetuating new paradigms and our survival.


Paradigm shifts r-evolve in thousand year cycles and are aligned with intergalactic, celestial dynamics and configurations of our uni-(one) verse. The verses are now thought to be in multiples.


Through design science we can create processes to correspond with the electrical, magnetic and energetic principles (of the kundalini for example) to manifest or create (more accurately co-create) our destiny.